“It’s important to me that I take care of the one thing saving me money right now…”

I couldn’t agree more. Solar is, after all, an investment, and investments should be taken care of. However, the benefits of having your system serviced on a regular basis go beyond ensuring that you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

Why Regular Servicing is Important

  1. You can ensure that your system is performing to its full potential – producing as much power as possible.
  2. You can quickly identify and resolve any potential malfunctions – reducing the impact these may have on your electricity bills.
  3. You can prevent it from damage and deterioration – helping to identify and fix minor issues before they become significant problems.
  4. You can confirm it continues to meet safety standards – minimising the risk of any fire or electrical hazards.

Recommended Service Schedule

The most reputable providers will recommend that you have your system serviced on an annual basis. During this visit to your home or business, your technician should:

  • Check your panels for dirt, debris, or any other physical damage to ensure that they remain in good working condition.
  • Inspect your mounting system to ensure that all bolts and brackets are secure.
  • Examine your wiring to ensure that there are no signs of wear or damage.
  • Test your connections and voltage to ensure that the inverter is operating efficiently.
  • Review your system’s overall performance to ensure that it is producing the expected amount of energy.

Here at Nepean Solar Solutions, in addition to the above, our team ensures that they have time available to answer any questions you may have about resetting, managing, or making the most of your system too.

If You Suspect a Fault with Your System

If you’re worried about your system’s performance, or your suspect that there might be an underlying fault or problem, we recommend phoning your installer, or another qualified and accredited business, for a more urgent call-out.

This isn’t to say solar issues equate to emergencies – in fact, in most cases, problems do not result in hazards, and our team can fix connections without much trouble at all. However, it is important to detail any concerns at this first point of call to ensure there aren’t any hazards to the safety of your home, business, or tradesmen. An example of this is an error code or light you’ve noticed on your inverter.

What About Cleaning?

System cleaning can be helpful, and for your own peace of mind, I can understand wanting to do this on a regular basis too. However, the way panels are designed these days, they’re often open to a free and natural clean when it rains, as the way water flows washes away any dirt or dust.

We don’t currently offer this as a service at Nepean Solar Solutions, but there are plenty of providers that do, and for our customers that have problems with birds nesting or resting nearby their homes or businesses, we do recommend reaching out to those on a regular basis as well.



Potential Problems

No two systems are the same, so it’s difficult to say what can be wrong with one, without a thorough inspection. However, in all of our years in the industry, we’ve seen that some problems are more common than others. These include:

  • Inverter faults
  • Battery faults
  • Incorrect installations
  • Faulty wiring or damaged isolator switches
  • Panels damaged by hail or fallen tree branches

Can it be Fixed?

No matter the problem, your system can and will be up and running again – and we at Nepean Solar Solutions will never proceed with further work without your informed consent first.

Whether you had your system installed by us, or you require repairs or replacements of parts, we’re here and happy to help.

If you have any questions, or would like to make a booking, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

We’re available for appointments throughout Western Sydney!


Jim Hill, Founder and CEO Nepean Solar Solutions Jim Hill

Founder & CEO Nepean Solar Solutions